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等级7解锁 Howl 嗥叫:
等级7解锁 E xecutioner 刽子手:
  损害为120% 武器的DPS 。
  +2% 物理伤害。
等级1解锁 Blood Hunger 饥饿之血:
  你像狼一样冲向你的敌人,伤害他们同时医治自已。治愈效果最多来自于你袭击过程中对2 名敌人所造成总伤害量的5% 。
  你召唤出一面寒冰盾牌,当你遭受到远程伤害时,你有机会增加10% 的狂怒值。
  6 秒内敌人所受到的伤害增加15%
一、Hunter skills 猎人技能树:
  6 秒内敌人攻击速度降低15%
  4 秒内获取能量的速度提升12%
  你在战斗中的凶猛,使你可以频繁的在一次攻击中,同时使主手和副手的武器屠杀你的敌人,并有2%的机率使你在2秒内狂怒值的充能速度提高6 %
  造成相当于30% 武器DPS 的闪电伤害,并有25% 的机会破坏敌人的盾牌。
等级1 解锁 ShadowBurst 暗影爆裂:
等级14 解锁 Rage Retaliation 复仇:
  5 秒内攻击速度提高25%
  狂怒的持续时间延长至6.5 秒。
等级1 解锁 Cold SteelMastery 精通霜钢:
  你的凶猛本性变的更加强大并难以抑制,使你在狂怒状态的持续时间获得延长。( 当你进入狂怒状态后获得加成。)
三、Shadow skills 暗影技能树
  召唤出来的战旗,持续时间25 秒。
等级35 解锁 BattleStandard 战旗:
  使你手中的武器充满电能。该电能会以闪电链攻击附近的目标,当你攻击敌人,闪电链可以发动连锁攻击附近2 名敌人。
  在10 秒内有55% 的机率会对敌人造成武器DPS 50% 的伤害
2. 配点:3力2体
  4% 机率在杀死敌人后发动暴怒。
  插上部族的战旗,让其古老的神圣符号强化你和9 米内队友的战斗能力,包括了更加灵敏的闪躲,增加被击退的抗性,并且使你能更快速的收集能量。
等级1 解锁 FrenzyMastery 狂怒精通:
  寒冰盾牌持续时间10 秒。
  6 秒内敌人移动速度降低15%
等级7 解锁 Stormclaw 暴风之爪:
  6 秒内敌人施法速度降低15%
1. 集气条技能
等级14解锁 Rampage 暴怒:
  寒冰盾牌在被攻击时有44% 的机率会增加狂怒值
  4 秒内增加70% 对击退的抗性
  闪电伤害有50% 的机率在发动时对目标造成40% 的武器伤害。
  4 秒内增加12% 闪躲

  +6% 冰霜伤害。
等级28 解锁 IceShield 寒冰盾牌:
  发动的间隔时间最少需要2 秒。

二、Tundra skills 苔原技能树
3. 常用技能


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  狙击枪消音器:? -5.00% 散射、消音
  狙击枪补偿器: -25.00% 后坐力效果、20.00% 平行方向后坐力、-20.00% 垂直方向后坐力
  狙击枪快速弹夹: -30%装填时间
  狙击枪快速扩容弹夹: -30%装填时间、+10发弹匣容量
  狙击枪扩容弹夹: +10发弹匣容量

  狙击枪托腮板:-20.00% 垂直方向后坐力、-20.00% 画面抖动、-15.00% 摇晃
  美国海军的Mark 14EBR增强型战斗步枪(Enhanced Battle Rifle——EBR)是M14步枪的变型枪,最初是由美国海军特种作战司令部根据海豹突击队的要求,在2000年向枪械厂商招标设计的一种用于CQB的战斗步枪,之所以考虑用M14,一方面是因为7.62x51mmNATO的侵彻能力在城市战中对付车辆、普通墙壁等掩体非常有效,另一方面是因为M14的性能久经考验,海豹多年来一直使用M14,他们甚至把M14改成扳叠式枪托以方便在狭窄环境中使用。经过试验后,他们采用了塞奇国际有限公司的方案。
  狙击枪消炎器: -10.00% 后坐力效果、-10.00% 平行方向后坐力、-10.00% 垂直方向后坐力、消除枪口火焰


Americans who don't live within driving distance of Canada have one more choice so they can take advantage of government-regulated drug prices. They can mail-order their medicine from a Canadian pharmacy. A number of Canadian websites catalog their drug prices in American dollars,helping to make the possible saving easy to determine.
For many people, it is important to have someone at their side that is constantly supporting and pushing them to continue to work towards their goal.  This is what a personal trainer will do- they will help the client to stay motivated in their workouts and they will ensure that the client is doing the proper exercises for their particular body type and needs.
Though it comes pricey,New Air Jordan Retro, the shoes are great value for money and are always in great demand even now,Jordan Shoes 5, more than 20 years after it was launched.Today there are more than 20 models of Michael Jordan sneakers, the last model being introduced to the market in February 2005. Each and every one of these sneakers were a runaway success. These sneakers whether from retail shops or as wholesale Jordans, sold like hot cakes, and still are.The beauty of it is that these sneakers are now sold over the net as well.
In the former year, the enduring "Converse Chuck Taylor All Star" sneakers were priced at forty-five dollars, but now it was priced at fifty dollars, which is higher. This morning, when received the interview of reporters of the "Legal Evening News",Air Jordans Retro, Nike in China's public relations said that so far,New Jordan Shoes For Women, they have not received the notice to increase the price. They are not going to make the price rise on the basis of the information nowadays.
Government and local authorities have long recognized the potential of telehealth technology as a tool for delivering health and social care services. This is an increasing imperative given the increasing age demographic and the backdrop of static or reducing funding. Telehealth initiatives must demonstrate credibility and viability beyond the pilot and trial programs in order to achieve the goal of increased capability through technology.

·       Abaco Inn in Hope Town,Cheap Real Jordans 4, Bahamas offers rooms from $160. This Inn is a beach hideaway nestled between two white sand Out Island beaches on the narrowest section of Elbow Cay.  Its 20 tropical minimalist rooms have terrific views of Sea of Abaco or the Atlantic Ocean.
Now, although the sales scale gap between individual enterprises is relatively large, the outdoor sports market in China increases at a high speed of 30% every year and investment of the domestic outdoor sports market and consumer groups develop rapidly, therefore, the sales scale between outdoor sports brands and traditional sports brands will be reduced gradually.
Outdoor specialty stores of Adidas are going to enter Shenyang, Changchun, Hangzhou, Xi'an and other cities as well from September 15. In Shuang Yashan, Changchun, Harbin, Shijiazhuang, Tianjin, Wuxi and other six cities, furthermore,Nike Lebron Soldier, road shows for touring will be conducted by Adidas. It will be possible for local consumers to experience the "light and fearless" of Adidas Terex by themselves. At present, Justin Bieber has turned out to be one of the hottest superstars in the European and American pop music circle when we mentioned Justin Bieber,Women Air Jordan Shoes, who was the music golden boy.
 The tracksuits are manufactured from top quality material and are manufactured proof to extending in a way that it could be worn for any kind of sporting games. The material is of superior top quality taking the merchandise extremely suitable,Nike Shox R4. You can use it when you're exercising or taking a move or jogging.

Reinforced concrete was invented in 1849 by Joseph Monier,Kids Air Jordan Shoes, and the material became even more impressive as the next hundred years passed. In 1936, the first reinforced concrete dams were built—Hoover Dam and Grand Coulee Dam. Hoover Dam is still an architectural wonder.
Sneaker extractors usually are acknowledged to have, advertise  along with business Air conditioning Jordans as a result of EBay, trainer promotions, along with consignment outlets as an example Single Get with Philadelphia along with Airline ticket Regular membership with New york Area. Sneakerheads, given that enthusiasts usually are acknowledged,Nike LeBron Shoes, classify mid-air Jordan assortment simply by decrease year or so and even model: Originals (OG), Retros (shoes or boots that have been recreated on sale for the remaining open public), Retro-pluses (Retro +, Air conditioning Jordans that will be just like the first solution,Newest Air Jordan Shoes, along with far more up-to-date changes),Jordan Shoes 10, Battler Confidential (TCH, Air conditioning Jordans that will be confidential to help certain sportsmen inside the dominion along with sporting activities) along with Biological samples.    

The Adidas Superstar had played an instrumental role to popularize the hip-hop culture and introduce it to the world, so it is one of those few products which withstands the test of time and carries forward its legacy. To step into a pair of the shoe would almost feel like taking a trip in time capsule, being a part of the movement that is creating history while walking about in a timeless design which is crowned as a harbinger of radical change.
SE DAILY QT W as basic styles for girls, reveal the new highlights in design's details and color matching. BBNEO STREET use colors including bright pink,KD Shoes, purple, gold, peach pink and green,New Women Jordan Shoes, design with elegance,Jordan Why Not Zero WestBrook Shoes, and will become the essential products for girls.
Perhaps because each classic series has a unique story, in people's eyes, the classic series is always provided with connotations and is always permeated with fresh vitality and fashionable flavor. In the fall of 2012, Adidas classic series was issued in limited edition for the first time in China. From shoes,Jordan Shoes For Women, clothes to accessories, every design belongs to exquisite high-quality goods which make tide pursuers fondle admiringly.
As to Nike Company; it tries to be the winner of the World Cup in 2010. And the first thing that occurs to Nike Company should be an advertisement for the World Cup. The advertisement wins great fame, and its name is "write the future". This advertisement is played by C Lo. After that, Nike football clothing is introduced. And these clothing is made especially for the national teams. It should be counted as a surprising thing that brazil which has won the world cup for five tines, Portugal and the Netherlands will choose shirts for the first time which are made from the recycled polyesters.

Primarily known for manufacturing sneakers, Adidas took the market by storm when they launched the Adidas superstars. Originally launched in the 1970s as a low top basketball shoe, it had taken performance to a whole new level. However, when Adidas brought it back a couple of years back, what nobody had anticipated was how quickly they would sit at the top of the fashion ladder and take the position of the ‘it shoes’.
Various shell toe outsells collect wonderfully crafted shoes from all around the globe, the newest and coolest addition being forest hill shoes. The origin of forest hill shoes for sale have a unique and almost unknown history. The forest hills shoes for sale were originally developed as shoes for tennis,Cheap Air Jordans, but gained great popularity in the United Kingdom as shoes used for soccer. These shoes originated with about four hundred of them in the United Kingdom, during the seventies and eighties, in a variety of bright colors, the most popular being one of solid bright yellow.
It is a nice selection for the wind resistant coats will get rid of all the worries about the changeable weather. This kind of windproof clothing keep the superiors as before,Nike Air Jordan Shoes, utilize the water-proof fabric,Nike Air VaporMax, high density polyester fiber, mesh,Women Nike Shox Shoes, and taffeta, contributing to the linings have breathability. Then matching large area and slim cuts design, the hooded sweatshirt show the practicability. The novel contrast colors, diffluent joint lines, changeable geometrical patterns and logo's 3D utilizations make the new windproof garments of Adidas NEO Label out of the ordinary.

is a great humanitarian who makes regular contributions for the development of weaker sections. Burnell Moliere considers that it's the duty of successful people to help the downtrodden. He loves to donate time and money for noble causes and tries to help the needy and underprivileged whenever he gets a chance.
Though we may not see it as we are going through it, nothing need ever really be wasted. Everything has its value. Our true solutions, like so many of our difficuties,Cheap Jordan Shoes On Sale, reside within. We need to work from the inside out, not from the outside in, to bring about real change and restore an inner balance that will last.
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This sporting news was posted during the exciting month of February this year when several sporting events were being held. I have retained the grammatical tense of the content which can make it weird while reading.       I can imagine  coming alive right now. After the recently completed Australian Open,Mens Air Jordan Shoes, there are still quite plenty of sports to bet on for both fans and ardent fans making . Soccer never goes to sleep and the NBA basketball is just as exciting.
If you are seeking out for instant cheap flights to Las Vegas, then you are advised to take help of online travel agents. Sometimes,New Nike Shox, instant tickets are available as airlines sell spared tickets at low rates. But sometimes, getting instant tickets is very tough. US Airways, Allegiant Air, and Southeast Airlines are some of the companies operating out in the Las Vegas airport.

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5、懶得動彈很多男性朋友一下班就懶得動彈瞭,久而久之贅肉橫生。鍛煉不僅對人的心臟有益,而且也有益於人的性功能。美國研究人員發現,常規、適度的鍛煉能預防陽痿。治療前列腺疾病的關鍵是:及時到專業男科醫院就醫,接受規范治療。隻有接受正規檢查,才能把握最佳治療時機,這也便於醫生辨證施治,控制疾病危害。事實上,前列腺疾病的發病原因十分復雜,不同的前列腺炎患者疾病癥狀表現差異很大。普通人流,一般不用什麼藥物,不會影響哺乳。如無特殊用藥一般建議在術後兩周繼續哺乳。註意休息和加強營養。鵪鶉的肉和蛋,犀利士沒有效果,或許是使用方法不對 | 犀利士(Cialis)台灣官網,是非常不錯的補品,有補益強壯作用。祖國醫學認為,,鵪鶉肉可“補五臟,益精血,溫腎助陽”男子經常食用鵪鶉可增強性功能並增氣力、壯筋骨。 男人常按摩可以壯陽補腎 1.下腹部摩擦 將一隻手放在臍下恥骨上小腹部位,另一隻手放在腰上,然後一面按住腰,一面用手在下腹部由右向左慢慢摩擦,,以自覺腹部溫熱感為度。登樓梯是一項較激烈的有氧鍛煉形式,鍛煉者須具備良好的健康狀態,一般采用走、跑、多級跨越和跳等運動形式,。鍛煉者可根據自己的身體狀況和環境條件,犀利士藥局 - 犀利士價格實惠,選擇適合自己的鍛煉方法。初練者宜從慢速並持續20分鐘開始,隨著體能的提高,逐步加快速度或延長持續時間。”3、牡蠣肉性微寒,味甘咸,根據前人經驗,遺精或滑精者忌食之。如清代醫傢黃宮繡指出:“脾虛精滑者忌。”《本草經疏》也認為:“腎虛無火,,精寒自出者非宜。從這個結果來看,如果是為瞭博取男性的青睞,女孩子實在是不必過分為難自己的。其實,與體型胖瘦相比,男性更註重女性的“腰臀比”。進化心理學傢經過多次實驗發現,腰臀比低於0.7的女性最符合男性心目中體型曼妙的標準。特霍西爾表示,擁有這些特征的男女更具吸引力,因為它們預示著生殖健康。雌激素會限制女性下臉龐和下巴的骨骼生長,使它們相對短小,同時這種激素還控制著女性眉毛的生長,令其更加突出。男性則受到睪丸激素的影響,有助於形成良好的下臉龐、下巴和濃眉。相關的主題文章:

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The one area in our lives where many of us competent, educated women feel unsure at times is parenting.  It's a scary thing!  We talk about it constantly.  Are we doing the job well, badly, etc..? Lots of advice and experiential knowledge is always passed around.  For a man to share the daily parenting and emotionally support the Mom in her role - well, I am guessing that there's not a Mother out there reading who would disagree that these men are the knights in shining armor of our time - our heroes!

The TX Multi Pants' material is elastic enough,Cheap Original Jordan Shoes, so it brings more freedom for those who do sports. Moreover, the pants are reinforced to protect our bodies from the damage of those sharp things. We can not ignore the function of Formation which is a kind of three dimensional cutting. It improves people's outdoor performance and people will be cozier. In addition, there is a drawstring in the pants, and the string is elastic. Actually, this elastic band is very good and people who wear the TX Multi Pants can do sports freely and comfortably.
The shoes come in assorted designs,Air Jordan Cheetah Print, styles and functionality to accommodate every golfer's personality and needs evident on the intense research and innovation that results in making so many different types of golfing shoes. Today's golfer is indulged for choice in regards to choosing an ideal style of designer footwear for sporting needs: there are spiked saddles, additional modish less spiky - runner style golf-shoes in addition to others in popular materials like suede!
  The three-striped brand now has the urge to be a pillar support to those who have bravely faced the slanders of the world and has fought against all odds,Nike Basketball Shoes, with the most beautifully created Adidas superstar shoes sale. This special-edition of shoes has the most uniquely color-sprayed look. This look has been frilled with their iconic Superstar and Stan Smith shoes,Jordan Shoes 10, thus encapsulating them in a pride pack. The solid white with rainbow paint splayed on it is not only bold and attractive, but is also a statement in itself.

When finding the right coat, it is important that you find one with the right fit. A good coat will flatten the shape of your upper body. It should be just loose enough so that you can reach insider to get something out of your breast pocket. Any looser and your look will not be chic.
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